Kaelyn Brown’s journey unfolds like a captivating saga, an exemplification of navigating life on one’s own hook. Growing up in Cleveland, Kaelyn’s upbringing was shaped by the unique experiences and challenges of being a first-generation college...
Stephanie Bunsey’s story poses as an attestation to the story of underdogs. Born to a fifteen-year-old mother in Huntington, West Virginia, Stephanie’s early years were marked by financial hardship as her parents, who hadn’t graduated from high...
Alison Bibb-Carson’s journey through her career has been marked by the hand of fate, guiding her path with unexpected opportunities and serendipitous encounters. Upon graduation from Ohio University with a Bachelor of Science in Interpersonal Communications,...
Jason Harris is the embodiment of versatility, seamlessly navigating between a diverse array of roles that span the spectrum of education, fatherhood and artistic expression. Growing up in Charleston, West Virginia, Jason spent most of his time outside, instilling in...
David Burke’s story unfolds as a testament to curiosity, determination and the pursuit of equity. Growing up in Hudson, Ohio, David was no stranger to adversity. As one of the few Black individuals in his community, he was often faced with stereotypes and...