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A Man Called Otto


Please join Peter Lawson Jones for the Special Red Carpet Advance Screening of

A Man Called Otto

Starring Tom Hanks and featuring Peter Lawson Jones in a major supporting role!

Thursday, January 12, 2023
Cinemark Valley View
6001 Canal Road
Valley View, Ohio 44125

6:00 pm: VIP Reception
7:00 pm: Program
7:15 pm: Film
9:15 pm: Q&A with Peter Lawson Jones

Master of Ceremonies: Russ Mitchell, WKYC Channel 3 News Anchor

Silent Auction Items Available

The proceeds from this pre-screening will provide additional and much-needed financial support for the Charles & Margaret Jones Scholarship Fund at College Now Greater Cleveland. The scholarship fund was established by Peter Lawson Jones in honor of his late parents’ living legacy. Margaret Jones was a Cleveland public school teacher, and Charles Jones was a college administrator. Both Margaret and Charles had an unshakable belief in the power of education. To date, over $40,000 has been awarded to 19 students through the fund, and the graduation rate for these scholarship recipients is 74%, surpassing the 29% graduation rate of the typical low-income college student.

Access the Silent Auction Here!

VIP Tickets: $100
VIP Tickets include a swag bag, a unique event-specific piece of art by Gloria K. Ritter, access to the VIP Reception with Peter Lawson Jones, and access to the January 12th Special Red Carpet Advance Screening of A Man Called Otto.
A portion of your donation will be tax deductible.

General Admission Tickets: $50
General Admission Tickets include a unique event-specific piece of art by Gloria K. Ritter and access to the January 12th Special Red Carpet Advance Screening of A Man Called Otto.
A portion of your donation will be tax deductible.

All who purchase tickets by December 28th, 2022, will receive a $5 voucher to Cinemark Valley View Concessions!

Thank you to our event sponsors and partners



A.E.S. Management Corp. dba Popeyes
College Now Greater Cleveland
EDWINS Restauraunt & Leadership Institute
Gloria K. Ritter, Artist
The Whiting Smith Family Foundation


1st Team Actors Studio
Academy Tavern
Beck Center for the Arts
Chagrin Arts
Cleveland Institute of Art Cinematheque
Cleveland International Film Festival
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland Orchestra
Cleveland Play House
Cleveland Public Theatre
Cleveland Treatment Center
Dobama Theatre
Ebony Black Network
Ensemble Theatre
Great Lakes Theater
Greater Cleveland Film Commission
Greater Cleveland Urban Film Festival
Karamu House, Inc.
Levine Architecture & Design, Ltd.
Mt. Zion Congregational Church UCC
Norman S. Minor Bar Association
Ohio University Ebony Bobcat Network
Shaker Arts Council
United Black Fund of Greater Cleveland

If you are interested in becoming an event sponsor or partner, please email peterlawsonjones@gmail.com