
Donors and Funders


Your contribution to College Now is fully tax deductible to the extent permitted by Federal law.

College Now has received consecutive 4-star ratings since 2013 from Charity Navigator, which is America’s largest and most-utilized independent evaluator of charities. Less than 9% of our annual budget is spent on administrative expenses and overhead.

Every dollar donated to College Now is critical and has an impact on the 38,000 students and adult learners across Northeast Ohio whom we serve every year in schools and community venues. To learn more about how College Now leverages your donations, hover over the examples below or view our Reports to the Community.

Thanks to your support, our services are always free!

To establish a named scholarship, such as a traditional or adult learner scholarship, please contact Kittie Warshawsky (216.635.0155).

Reports to the Community







Other Ways to Give

Gift By Mail

Gifts of Stock

Gifts from IRAs or Retirement Assets

Legacy Gift

Gifts of Insurance

Lead Funders