The Professional Advisory Council
Established in June 2019 and co-chaired by College Now Board Members, Lauren Rich Fine of Gries Financial and Jim Geuther of Truist, this exclusive group meets twice a year for in-depth briefings and networking.
PAC members often share the impact of College Now with their clients, their colleagues and their firms, guiding individuals, organizations and other entities who seek to become philanthropically engaged with College Now. Thanks to their efforts, new scholarships have been established and bequests made to College Now.
Interested in joining the PAC? Contact Kittie Warshawsky.
Charles F. Adler
Schneider Smeltz Spieth Bell
Ronald S. Ambrogio
BNY Mellon
Stephanie Antunez
California Closets
Brian C. Barren
Cleveland Guardians
Rebecca L. Bar-Shain
Cedar Brook Group
Brian Barren
Cleveland Guardians
Robin L. Baum
Zinner & Co.
John Beer
PNC Private Bank
Susan Blankenship
Bank of America
Nicole Bornhorst
Huntington Private Bank
Leigh H. Carter
William Caster
Gries Financial
Michael Cogan
Northern Trust
Greg Cowan
Lynnette Crenshaw
Cosmo Danielly
Equitable Advisors
Dana Decapite
Hahn Loeser + Parks
Elaine Eisner
Eisner Gohn Group
Christina Evans
Hahn Loeser + Parks
Lynn-Ann Gries
Gries Consulting
Barbara Janovitz
Reminger Co.
Michael Jeans
Growth Opportunity Partners
Matthew Kadish
Frantz Ward
Kimon Karas
McCarthy, Lebit
Vanessa Mavec King
Woods King IV
AMEND Consulting
Dave LaPuma
GatePass Capital
David Legeay
Erica McGregor
Tucker Ellis
Ellen Meehan
Squire Patton Bogs (Retired)
Joseph M. Mentrek
Calfee, Halter, and Griswold
Michael Novak
Wellspring Financial
Sam Prentis
Bank of America
Susan L. Racey
Tucker Ellis
David Reynolds
J.P. Morgan Private Bank
Lisa A. Roberts-Mamone
Baker Hostetler
Mark Ross
PwC (Retired)
Jennifer A. Savage
Schneider Smeltz Spieth Bell
Brad Schlang
Eton Financial Services
Fareed Siddiq
Merrill Lynch
Bob Smith
Cerity Partners
Michael Toth
Westfield Bank
Jeffrey Wasserman
Oswald Life Insurance
Heather Welsh
Sequoia Financial Group
Katherine Wensink
McDonald Hopkins